Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Something cringey this way comes!

Hi! I'm Jester and this is my dumb little website. It's always under construction and mainly for personal use.

I really don't know what to write here yet... The art tab has a collection of art I've made that I want to have here?? I update it whenever. The blog tab is a diary I think?? Probably will end up using it for rambling about my special interests (dnd.....) and such.

Collection is a place for me to house graphics i've collected or made. Basically the only real use I have for them is to be able to put them in my ArtFight profile :D Misc. tab is just miscellaneous fun stuff I like...

Check out my shrines !!

The sitewide music player will be updated once in a while with whatever music I'm vibing with at that moment! :3